The Chilton Group

Magnetism, Spectroscopy, Theory

Single-molecule magnets: design, measurement, and theory

Tutorial lecture given on 28th August 2020 for the International EPR Society online series (see information here)

Measurement and simulation of vibronic coupling in lanthanide complexes

Research lecture given on 23rd February 2021 for the Angular Momentum online series (see information here)

Spin-vibration coupling in magnetic molecules

Research lecture given on 29th April 2021 for the French Association de Magnétisme Moléculaire

Computational Chemistry II: Fundamentals of electronic structure theory

Part of 2nd year "Core Physical Chemistry" CHEM20212 (see course overview here)

Molecular Magnetism

One of our 4th year "Personalised Learning Units" CHEM40111 (see course overview here)